FREE Adobe Software
This class will require that you have access to Adobe Suite of software programs. You get them for free this year (normally $20- per month!) Here are your log in Instructions HERE
Will Adobe Programs run on my computer?
1. Before you dowload - remember that this is NEW version and might be different than what you are used to OR what I am teaching in class. We use the most current version in class, as it updates daily.
2. You must use to log in NOTE THE .ST!
Go to and then sign in.
4. You can also install some programs on an Ipad BUT it is not the full version.
6. Use your BPS school credentials to sign in. (
For Higher Education students to continue developing skills, Adobe offers free “Daily Creative Challenges”. These are guided projects where participants receive creative prompts and connect with pros, mentors, and other students for feedback and support. Click on the app name to learn more: Photoshop, XD and Illustrator. Also, for inspiration and over-the-shoulder learning, watch pros share their creative process on Adobe Live daily at